Color Show


Don't Judge A Location By It's Environment This is like the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover"....same concept. You can certainly find a gem of a location in the roughest looking building, if you look for it. I used to drive around and wait for that "perfect" location to jump out at me, but I've learned to see past the obvious after a few of my favorite images came from a location that I took a chance on and looked to find the "interesting" and "beauty" in it. Choosing a location with diversity is key. Choosing a location truly brings out the inner artists- it's definitely something that can be learned if strengthened and utilized often. When you are looking for locations, keep your eyes peeled for beautiful details. The entire building may not be something you would use, but sometimes you just need a small wall, sign or doorway to create the perfect photo! 

 - A Beautiful Mess

I just love these walls.  Can you believe that one street is filled with so much color?! 

Elizabeth & I walked a normal street in LA, yet we were able to find the most colorful buildings.  We didn't even go to the popular side of town. 

Doesn't that make you think about all the possible hidden gems in your hometown?  

We got ice cream for lunch at MILK , not on purpose, but because we totally forgot about eating a real meal! Instead, we were having too much fun talking & laughing, posing one another and attending open houses. 

We even found Cory, Topanga and Shawn's high school from Boy Meets World

At the end of the day we were a little sweaty, but not bad for a Thursday.